21 May 2009

Nancy Platts Labour PPC for Brighton Pavilion: Why I Support Electoral Reform.

"On the doorstep, many people express concern about the lack of policy difference between the two main political parties because they feel the current voting system encourages both to try and occupy the 'centre ground'.

The result is an increasing number of people who feel their views are not going to be represented whoever they vote for, which can result either in a protest vote or not voting at all.

In particular long-time Labour voters express disappointment that more 'socialist' values have been sacrificed for Labour to gain and maintain political power.

Where 'moderate' minority parties (that is, not the BNP) have a large enough following nationally, but where that is spread across the country, they should be able to represent that view at a national level. I think people should be able to vote for the party that actually represents their views and see that reflected in parliament. To get people voting again, they need to feel that their vote will count"


  1. "Where 'moderate' minority parties (that is, not the BNP) have a large enough following nationally, but where that is spread across the country, they should be able to represent that view at a national level."

    Are you planning to ban the BNP? If not they will get a greater voice, if so then who decides what is "moderate".

  2. I don't think Nancy meant what you think it means. I certainly would not ban the BNP. I think they should be exposed to full debate so they can make utter fools of themselves.

  3. I agree with you on the BNP but how else can you interpret her statement that "moderate" parties should be represented while specifically excluding the BNP?

  4. I think Nancy means that the threshold should be high enough to exclude the lunatic fringe parties - 5% should be enough to keep the BNP out once a proportional system beds in and removes the incentive for the Tory press to promote racism and xenophobia to split the working class Labour inclined vote thereby helping the Tories win more seats under our current system first-past-the-post.

