01 July 2005

Hello and welcome!

Written below is the first page of this blog posted on 1st July 2005. I was then a member of the Labour party and lived in a neighbouring ward. I am now no longer a member of any political party and live in Goldsmid ward in Hove. I am closest to the Green political outlook and my overiding concern is reform of the electoral system. I also blog as a counter to the overbearing establishment right-wing press in this country. All the views on this blog are my own and I am contactable at neilh69@gmail.com

Welcome to the new (currently) unofficial Brighton Regency Labour Party blog. Im Neil Harding, a member of Regency ward Labour party and will be posting my thoughts about local stuff and musings about national issues as well.

Totally unofficial at the moment which means the views written here are mine and mine alone. I will however mention what our local Labour councillor, Roy Pennington is up to and hopefully help his profile for the 2007 council elections.

In conjunction with this a Regency newsletter will hopefully get off the ground in the next few months and stuff from there will also appear on this blog if possible.

Just to finally say, well done to David Lepper, Brighton Pavilion Labour MP re-elected on May 5th. I will be pressing him on issues of concern when I get the chance and putting his views on here as well.


Neil Harding


  1. ban smoking !!!!! whatever will the militant arm of forest do ??

    carry bag man aka simon !!!

  2. Is this simon from blackpool?

  3. Maybe I was being a little harsh on a total ban, although it is working well in Ireland!

    I would be reasonably happy with separate non-smoking areas and decent smoke extractors in smoking areas. Even smokers prefer to breathe clean air! I know this is a subject close to your heart, simon!

