30 April 2008

You Gov And The Evening Standard Could Not Sink Any Lower Than This.

I thought it was electoral law that opinion polls were not published on the morning of elections - but apparently not. YouGov and the Evening (Low) Standard are going to plaster London with billboards tomorrow saying Boris is well in the lead - despite this being completely out of kilter with every other polling organisation findings - the latest of which puts Ken 4% ahead.

Even by the ES's record of dirty tricks and lies, this is despicable. It is a clear attempt by the ES to use biased polling to lower turn-out and put off Ken voters. It is also sad that YouGov can be bought in this way and ruin their credibility. Their methods have already been shown to be suspect and they have complaints pending with the market research regulators.

If turnout rises above 50% tomorrow then Ken will almost certainly win, below that and Boris might be elected by default. A low turnout will also help the BNP achieve 5%, so progressive voters have every reason to turn out tomorrow.

Turnout tomorrow and strike a blow for democracy against these corrupt Tory bastards and their...
despicable press friends. This negative, nasty, lying Tory campaign should not go rewarded. No wonder Boris cannot look Ken in the eye when Boris makes his outrageous claims that he knows are untrue.

Only if Ken is elected will pensioners and the disabled be able to use the tube before 9am.

Is the free travel for the young, disabled and old safe with Tories who call it a 'stealth tax'?

How will the Tories erosion of the congestion charge reduce congestion?

Do Londoners really want to miss out on the £500m investment in cycle lanes that Ken's gas guzzler charge will bring?

Do Londoners really believe crime will go down just because Boris says so? When the only policy that might do some good - Ken's £78m investment in youth centres, Boris opposes.

Does Boris really care about Londoners lives when he wants to 'rephase' traffic lights to give them less time to cross the road - guaranteed to kill more people.

Do Londoners really want the smoking ban abolished or think gay marriage is like beastiality?

Are casual racist remarks ok for the Mayor of London in any context?

Even Tories question Boris's ability to do the job. Do we really think with his lack of knowledge and dodgy unknown Tory team behind him - that Boris is the man who can manage more competently than Ken, whose superb record most Londoners recognise?

Is someone who has already managed to offend Liverpool, Portsmouth and Papua New Guinea the right person to promote London as its ambassador?

Do Londoners support George W Bush and the Iraq war and think negotiating with fraudster friends to beat up journalists is ok?

Boris will be a disaster for London AND the country because without Ken trailblazing bus services from the public sector base that Boris so despises, the rest of the country has no chance for an improved quality of life.

Vote for Ken and show these Tory bastards cannot get away with this level of dishonesty.

And lets hope that Tory Boris does not get the rain storms he is praying for.


  1. "Turnout tomorrow and strike a blow for democracy against these corrupt Tory bastards and their despicable press friends."

    Make every fraudulent postal vote count!

    PS Why should the disabled and pensioners be crammed onto rush hour tubes?

  2. ARe you going to condemn Gordon Brown for announcing Government plans to thiose who lose out on the abolition of the 10p tax band during the local election campaign!?!

  3. Here are five (5) positive outcomes of Boris "BoJo" Johnson winning the Mayoralty:-

    1) House prices outside of London will increase rapidly as people migrate en masse from the metropolis.

    2) BoZo's calamatous cock-ups and corruption will ensure Cameron loses the next general election.

    3) BoDoh's bumbling response to any future terrorist incident, whilst at first embarrassing and upsetting, will soon appear comical, and Londoners will be united in their time of need by their contempt for this useless fop.

    4) The massive destruction wrought by the second Great Fire, after SloBo presides over swingeing cuts to the fire service, will allow the next Mayor to embark on a massive programme of public works, so that London will be completely transformed by 2020, a city of skyscraping wonders, ready to serve as the planet's capital in the C21st as New York did in the C20th.

    5) Ken Livingstone will be a shoe-in for a celebrity cameo in the next series of Doctor Who.

  4. Sheer and utter desperation.

    I love it!


  5. Only if Ken is elected will pensioners and the disabled be able to use the tube before 9am.

    Clearly I missed the part of Boris's manifesto where he promised to bar everyone but the young, fit and slim from the tube in rush hour.

    Perhaps you mean that Boris doesn't want to give away free rides on an overcrowded system when it's full.

    Is the free travel for the young, disabled and old safe with Tories who call it a 'stealth tax'?

    Well, it's certainly a tax (well, OK, it's an expenditure, which is the thing that really counts.) It's reasonably well-publicised, so I don't think it can really be described as "stealthy".

    How will the Tories erosion of the congestion charge reduce congestion?

    Given that road travel isn't a Giffen good, it obviously won't, but that's irrelevant, as it's a stupid question to ask. You could ask whether changing the CC scheme would make London a better or worse place to live, work and shop, and then we could have a discussion...

    Do Londoners really want to miss out on the £500m investment in cycle lanes that Ken's gas guzzler charge will bring?

    Count the number of cycle commuters, and the number of SUV owners.

    (If you care, when I lived in London, I was a regular cycle commuter. I almost never used cycle lanes, because they were mostly on footpaths, and full of either pedestrians or trees. Bus lanes were rather more useful, until the bus in front of you got to a bus stop, and parked in the middle of the road. I don't support Ken's "gas guzzler" charge, because it's bloody stupid.

    If you want to deter CO2 and other emissions, tax petrol. It's the only thing that is actually proportional to emissions.

    Of course, if you believe the Stern report calculations, the tax on petrol is already higher than is needed to account for the costs of CO2 emission.)

  6. I'd like to pick out this from the usual list of twaddle and half-truths, which Anon did not cover:

    "Do Londoners support George W Bush and the Iraq war?"

    No, almost certainly not. You overlook that it was a Labour Government who started this and is continuing it to this day, 5 years later. WTF does Boris have to do with it? WTF does the London Mayor have to do with either, for that matter?

    Which parties say we ought to get out of Iraq sharpish, er, UKIP and the LibDems. So there!

  7. You talk about "biased polls" and their effect on voting. However, it now turns out that Yougov (in the "evil" Standard) was the most accurate of all - correctly calling the result as 47-53 when the other pollsters either predicted either an effective draw or a Ken win.

    In the light of the facts showing you to be completely wrong, will you now describe the polls that wrongly showed Ken winning as "biased"?

  8. Anon: The YouGov polls mostly showed Boris between 16 and 11 points ahead. Only in the last few days did they throw one in that said 6 points (to cover their back - a day before they had said Boris was 11 points ahead - with this sort of range of efforts they were bound to come close. I don't think anyone thought Boris was ever 16 points ahead). Like I said these polls were a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Ken supporters saw these rogue polls it probably put them off voting and demoralised Ken supporters who were trying to get out the vote. 45% is still an appallingly low turnout. I think without the ES lies, Ken could have got far more of his vote out. Undoubtedly the Tories managed ot get their vote out in the shires, but Ken was hampered by these ridiculous polls showing him miles behind.

