24 June 2006

"Did you ever have a wank about Thatcher?"

Surely one of the best questions ever asked of a politician? Jonathan Ross sure beats Jeremy Paxman. You can't beat that punk spirit. I have never seen a politician look as shaken after an interview as 'Dave' Cameron did tonight.

Not only did Ross ask about Cameron's teenage sexual interests in Thatcher, but managed to get him to unwittingly give a high five to legalising drugs. Absolutely fantastic!

Joking aside though, on a light entertainment show, Ross managed to highlight the ridiculousness of our current drug policies and also highlight Cameron's support for the Iraq War AND keep it humourous, quite an achievement I think.


  1. That was a very unfair question. When Thatcher came to power, Dave was at Eton.

    Wanking about Thatcher was probably on the curriculum. In fact it was probably a competitive activity, with inter-house competitions.

  2. Maybe we should ask our friend Devil's Kitchen about Eton etiquette?

  3. The Ross interview with Cameron was hilarious. Bruce Willis and Martina Navratilova where gog-smacked in the green room..

  4. anon: Imagine getting the opportunity to ask a possible future PM if he wanked over Thatcher? Absolutely brilliant!

    Cameron got what he deserved. He knew the risks going on Ross's chat show and now he has been made to look an idiot, his friends at the Daily Mail are having a go at Ross.

  5. It was a fantastic question, hilarious. He couldn't answer it either, which speaks volumes.

    It would have been as funny if Ross had asked Wee Willie Hague, the Tories' very own own Fighting Foetus, if he had ever wanked over Thatcher. Now there is a Tory with a doglike devotion to the evil old crone and with some very warped ideas. Reading Hansard under the bedclothes at night, thoughts turning to his 'Leaderene' just before he switched off the torch... my God, it doesn't bear thinking about.

