22 November 2005

ID card debate in Brighton, December 6th.

Will ID cards prevent fraud and tackle terrorism?

Or are they the most dangerous threat to society and a scandalous waste of money?

The ID Card Debate: farewell to liberty?

Andrew Burnham Home Office minister and champion of ID cards.


Peter Tatchell Human rights campaigner and critic of the government scheme.

A US presidential-style, one-to-one, eyeball-to-eyeball debate.

Tuesday 6 December, 7pm at the Quality Hotel, West Street, Brighton.

Entrance free.

Organised by Brighton & Hove NO2ID www.no2id.net Sponsored by Brighton & Hove UNISON

For more details contact brighton@no2id.net


  1. I'm not really sure what that comment is about.

  2. Does Britain have an AFIS, or a DNA sex offender's DNA data bank?

    (AFIS=Automated Fingerprint Identification System.)

    Just curious...seems that the Americans are solving cold cases like crazy since they brought theirs in.

  3. We have a fingerprint bank and DNA bank of everyone who's ever been arrested, and the ID scheme is planning to expand the fingerprints to everyone. I assume matching would be automated.

    When you say solving cold cases, do you mean finding a suspect and thence some other evidence, or are people being convicted solely on the basis of these systems? The latter is very worrying. However, given a recent US state throwing out a breathalyzer case on the grounds that the software was closed source and not examinable in court, things could get interesting.

  4. Sorry, I mean "everyone arrested since PACE 2001": http://www.statewatch.org/news/2004/sep/03uk-dna-database.htm

  5. Looking forward to the debate.

