20 August 2006

John Denham for PM, the odds are shortening.

It seems a few other people are coming round to the idea of John Denham as leader.


  1. This would be the same John Denham who recently opposed the sensible policy of the TGWU and UNISON for an amnesty for "illegal" migrant workers.

    How does John think we should organise these workers if unscrupulous employers can threaten them with deportation I wonder?

  2. Denham is sensible labour right but not in a blairite way. He is very good on democracy and electoral reform.

  3. Oh, also if you are at conference and into PR Denham will be at compass's event on democracy. He seems to be really busy in terms of fringe.

  4. Jon, I agree with you about an amnesty, but as Adele points out, Denham is passionate about the only policy that really matters - electoral reform. If we get that, the rest will follow. A true democracy under PR will deliver more widespread equality and sensible reforms.

  5. Oh by the way, I am going to be in Manchester for the conference, but I haven't mapped out what meetings I'm going to yet.

  6. You've not responded to the points about John Denham against your previous article on him.

  7. anon: I have now answered your point on the other thread. I wasn't avoiding it, just been busy.

